7 Factors to Consider When Choosing Deer Food Plot Seeds

Do you hunt whitetail deer? Do you want to plant a food plot to attract deer for hunting? A deer food plot is a good way to attract deer to your property for hunting. It allows you to hunt from your food plot instead of hunting from the woods. There are different food plot seeds that can be used when planting a food plot and in this article, we share the factors to look out for when choosing food plot seeds.

  1. Cold Tolerant

    Food plots are developed using plots of land and this makes it exposed to all weather conditions. It is important that when choosing food plot seeds, you take this into consideration.

    Make sure that the food plot seeds you choose are cold tolerant. The seeds will be exposed to the elements and cold tolerant seeds will work well, be long lasting and allow the food plot to flourish in any weather. Most food plot seeds are made to be cold tolerant; however, you must make sure that it is cold tolerant.

  2. Heat Resistant

    In addition to the food plot seeds being cold tolerant, it should also be heat resistant. Heat tolerant food plot seeds are robust, long-lasting and will flourish in any weather.

    If you live in an area that experiences very high temperatures during the summer, then it is even more important that the seeds are heat tolerant. This will make them survive any extreme weather condition and yet flourish.

  3. Life Duration

    The life duration of the food plot is another factor to consider when choosing food plot seeds. How long the food plot will last after a single planting is important. This will give you an idea of how long the food plot will survive before you have to replant it.

    The longer the life duration of the food plot seeds, the better. You don’t want to plant a food plot often. There are some food plot seeds that have a life duration of more than 5 years. This is ideal as it will last for a good number of years before you have to replant the food plot.
  4. Drought Resistant

    Another factor to consider when choosing food plot seeds is drought resistant capability. You want food plot seeds that are not only cold tolerant and heat resistant, but also drought resistant.

    There may be conditions similar to droughts or there may be a drought. If the food plot seeds are drought resistant, then the seeds will survive the harsh conditions and still germinate to produce the crops and plants to attract deer to your food plot.

    Food plot seeds that are drought resistant have a better chance to survive droughts and similar conditions. This make them durable and long lasting. When choosing food plot seeds for your deer food plot, make sure that they are cold tolerant, heat and drought resistant.

  5. Perennial Food Plot Seeds

    Perennial food plot seeds are a better choice for a deer food plot. This makes it easy for the food plot to provide plants and crops all year round to attract deer for hunting. This is more appealing for you the deer hunter as you don’t have to plant food plot seeds every season.

    When choosing deer food plot seeds, it is always good to choose seeds that are perennial. This makes it easy for you when planting a deer food plot. Additionally, it is also appealing to the deer population as they will always find food on the food plot.

  6. Nutritional Value

    When choosing food plot seeds, you want to make sure that the food plot seeds are nutritious and will help to nourish the game animals. The aim is to develop a nutritious food plot as the wild game animals that will eat from the food plot will be hunted by you for consumption.

Attractive Food Plot

When developing a food plot, you want to attract deer for hunting. Therefore, it is important that the food plot seeds develop a highly attractive food plot with a variety of plants, crops, tubers, and foliage that deer like to eat.

The aim is to develop a deer food plot that is irresistible to the deer. This makes it easier to attract them and helps you have a variety of deer to choose from when hunting from the deer food plot.


One hunting method some hunters used is to develop a deer food plot that attracts deer to a plot of land for hunting. This makes it easier for the hunter to concentrate his hunting on the plot that he is familiar with.

When developing a deer food plot, you will need food plot seeds and in this article, we discussed what to look for when choosing deer food plot seeds. You can get more information on how to choose deer food plot seeds from the hunting terrain.

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