7 Dental Care Tips For Baby Teeth

One of the most beautiful sights in the world is seeing your baby smile, showing a mouth full of baby teeth. It is very important to take good care of those teeth because neglect can cause infections and cavities. It can result in a lot of discomfort for your kid while speaking and chewing. Baby teeth are the temporary placeholders of permanent teeth, and if you do not clean them properly, the permanent teeth might even get spacing issues. Here are seven dental care tips to keep your baby’s teeth healthy.

Cleaning Your baby’s Gums Even Before Teething

Pediatric dentists recommend cleaning your baby’s mouth even before it grows teeth. Cleaning the mouth daily since after birth will keep the baby’s gums clean. It will also make your baby accustomed to brushing when it is older. Do not use any kind of brushes before your baby has teeth, as it can harm the baby’s soft gums. You can clean the baby’s mouth with a soft cloth after dipping it in water. You can also do it with a small piece of gauze wrapped around your index finger. Make sure your hands are clean. Wipe the upper gum pad once, and do the same with the lower gum pad. Clean the baby’s mouth this way after its last meal.

Taking Care of the Baby’s First Teeth

It is a very unsettling time for the baby when it is teething (growing teeth). It may experience pain. Your pediatric dentist will be able to help you with this problem. Sometimes parents tend to undermine the importance of primary teeth because they are temporary. But keeping baby teeth healthy paves the way for healthy permanent teeth. You can start using a brush to clean the baby’s mouth. Use a silicone baby brush with soft bristles. Brush the baby’s teeth twice a day – once early morning and once just before bedtime.

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Using Fluoride Toothpaste for Babies

According to the study, toothpaste containing fluoride is beneficial for kids. Fluoride strengthens the tooth enamel. It protects the teeth from cavities by making them more resistant to harmful bacteria and acids. Use a small amount (rice grain-sized) of any fluoridated toothpaste to clean the inside and outside of your baby’s teeth. Brush gently. Rinse with water after brushing. Make sure that your baby does not swallow any toothpaste.

Visiting the Dentist

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that your baby must have its first visit to the dentist by the time it is a year old. When you schedule an appointment with a dentist, feed the baby beforehand so that it is not hungry. You might want to sit with your baby in the dentist’s chair as it can be a frightening experience for some babies. The dentist will check if your baby’s teeth and jaws are growing the right way. The dentist will also examine the baby’s mouth for any signs of infection or cavities using state-of-the-art technology like a panoramic x-ray which can give an in-depth detail regarding gum health, tissue, etc.

Teaching Your Toddler to Brush His Teeth

Teaching your toddler to brush his or her teeth can seem like a mammoth task, especially if your baby hates brushing time. You can play some music and include games to make brushing time more fun for your kid. Rewarding them for a good brush can also do wonders. Explain to kids how to reach all the corners of the mouth. Supervise them and correct their techniques whenever they make mistakes.

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Foods to Avoid

Even though it might seem like fruit juice is a very healthy food, it is surprisingly one of the worst things for your baby’s teeth. It contains a high amount of sugar, which is broken down by the bacteria on the teeth. This process releases acids that attack the tooth enamel. Foods with citric acids like lemons and grapefruits also harm baby teeth. Sticky foods like candy and jelly can stick to your baby’s teeth and cause tooth decay. Food which has starch like chips and bread can also turn to sugar and cause tooth decay. You must avoid these food items to keep your kid’s teeth healthy.

A guide to toothbrushes

A guide to toothbrushes

Choosing the right toothbrush for your kid can be a daunting task. You need to keep a few things in mind while buying toothbrushes for kids. The toothbrush must be just the right size so that it fits the mouth of your kid properly. Choose a flexible brush that can reach all corners of the mouth. You can buy a small silicone brush with soft bristles for infants. Keep replacing brushes every month, or when the bristles appear damaged.

These are some dental care tips that will keep your kid’s baby teeth pearly white. Taking good care of your kids baby teeth will result in strong permanent teeth. It will also prevent tooth decay and cavities. You can use these tips to take care of your toddler’s baby teeth properly.

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